DevOps Engineer | Solution Architect
🐚 Ready to download bash/zsh aliases
🍼 Curated resources on parenting/pregnancy for Bangladeshi people
☁️ aws CLI + jq = Make life easier
♻️ AWS Stale DNS Finder
👶 Baby Event Management using Django
☁️ gcloud CLI + jq = Make life easier
🔡 Probhat keylayout for macOS
🌐 Online Probhat Keyboard
🔧 Manage Bitbucket repos with the CLI
⚡ Python module for BPDB Smart Meters
⚡ Python module for Desco Smart Meters
📓 A LaTeX template for writing thesis report for RUET
🔓 A PyQt GUI for managing SSH tunnels
🔀 IngressRoute and Ingress Converter